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Home - Standby Generator

Engineering Company

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// Our Service

Standby Generator

AGG’s professional engineering teams offer maximum quality solutions and services, that both meet the needs of diversified customer and fundamental market, and customized services.

The company offers tailor made solutions for different market niches. It can also provide the necessary training for installation, operation and maintenance.

AGG can manage and design turnkey solutions for power stations and IPP. The complete system is flexible and versatile in options, in quick Installation and can be integrated easily. It operates reliably and delivers more power.

You can always count on AGG to ensure its professional integrated service from project design to implementation, which guarantees constant safe and stable operation of the power station.

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Our Product

Here are some of the products we offer:

Our Product

High Voltage

product - High Voltage

High voltage generator sets are designed to cover high voltage electricity needs.

AGG Power fully utilizes its rich experience in the energy sector in its high-voltage generator set products, which are highly reliable and durable, providing continuous, reliable power for critical applications such as hospitals, oil and gas, mines, and steel industries, etc.

With AGG Power’s global distribution and service network, customers’ power needs can be responded to quickly, coupled with the low installation and maintenance costs to maximize your return on investment.

Our Product

Lighting Tower

product - Lighting Tower

Mobile lighting towers are ideal for outdoor event lighting, construction sites and emergency services.

AGG lighting tower range is designed to provide a high quality, safe and stable lighting solution for your application. AGG has provided flexible and reliable lighting solutions for a wide range of industries around the world, and has been recognized by our customers for efficiency and high safety.

You can always count on AGG Power for globally recognized build quality and comprehensive service throughout.

Our Product

Control System

product - Control System

Whatever your power requirements, AGG can provide a control system that meets your needs and offer you peace of mind through its expertise.

With experience working with many of the industry’s leading industrial controller manufacturers, such as ComAp, Deep Sea, Deif and many more, AGG power solutions team can design and deliver customized control systems to meet every need of our customers’ projects.

Our comprehensive range of control and load management options, include: Multiple-synchronized generator sets, Co-generation mains parallel, Intelligent transfer systems, Human machine interface (HMI) displays, Utility protection, Remote monitoring, Custom built containerized distribution, Sophisticated high-end building and load management, Controls assembled around programmable logic controllers (PLCs).

Learn more about special control systems by contacting the AGG team or their distributors worldwide.

Our Product


product - Rental

AGG Power rental range generator sets are for temporary power supply, mainly in buildings, public works, roads, construction sites, outdoor events, telecommunications, industries etc.

With power ranges from 200 KVA – 500 kVA, AGG Power’s rental range of generator sets is designed to meet temporary power needs around the world. These units are robust, fuel efficient, easy to operate and capable of withstanding the harshest site conditions.

AGG Power and its worldwide distributors are industry leading experts with the ability to provide quality products, superior sales support and solid after-sales service.

From the initial assessment of a customer’s power needs to the implementation of a solution, AGG ensures the integrity of each project from design through implementation and post-service through 24/7 service, technical back-up and support.

AGG Power’s production methods ensure efficiency through streamlined assembly, while rigorous and comprehensive product testing is conducted at every stage of the manufacturing process. All products manufactured in AGG’s factory follow strict quality procedures with professional and qualified teams and personnel to ensure consistent product quality.

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